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Ideas @ Crucial Picks

What This Is: Business Ideas Powered by AI insights

Trends At the Speed of AI

  • Search Latest Trends: Explore latest trends: News | Tech | Sports | Education | Business | And More. Explore Now.

  • Pivot with AI Insights: Discover business ideas based on latest trends. | Stay ahead of competition with data driven AI Insights. Solutions Hill CrucialPicks Is your Go-to Platform. Explore Now.

  • View your Favorites: Learn about the latest in AdTEch | Spread your word on Novel platforms. Solutions Hill Crucial Picks Powers your Business. Explore Now.

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Advertisement Exchange

What This Is: Affordable Advertising for Small Businesses

Email Marketing

  • Free Sign Up: Create an account, Fetch your Distribution List (DL), and Create Affordable Email Campaigns, All in One Place. Sign Up Now.

  • Browse for Partner: Optionally, you may then search for a business of interest with whom you would like to advertise mutually. Tool comes with a powerful search engine which provides searches based on location, category, specialization and lots more. Basic Plan comes with one partnership connection. Sign Up Now.

  • Connection Request: Once you find a business, simply send a connection request to their contact within the AD-X network. If they approve your request, you can create Email Campaigns using their DL.

  • Monetize: Upgrade to Premium Plan at any time to enjoy generous commissions when others create campaigns from your DL. View details from your dashboard. Share the good news and repeat.

Banner Advertisements

Basic Plan

  • Free Sign Up: With Solutions Hill AD-X, you can register a unique online business and create an Ad which is representative of your business for free. Your Ad will immediately begin to show up on Solutions Hill AD-X page, at no cost to you. Sign Up Now.

  • Browse for Partner: Optionally, you may then search for a business of interest with whom you would like to advertise mutually. Tool comes with a powerful search engine which provides searches based on location, category, specialization and lots more. Basic Plan comes with one partnership connection. Sign Up Now.

  • Connection Request: Once you find a business, simply send a connection request to their contact within the AD-X network. If they approve your request, your Ad will start to show on their webpage and theirs on your page as well. Upgrade to Premium Plan for more partnership connections. Share the good news and repeat.

Premium Plan

  • Free Sign Up: With Solutions Hill AD-X, you can register a unique online business and create an Ad which is representative of your business for free. Your Ad will immediately begin to show up on Solutions Hill AD-X page, at no cost to you. Sign Up Now.

  • Browse for Partners: Optionally, you may then search for businesses of interest with whom you would like to advertise mutually. Tool comes with a powerful search engine which provides searches based on location, category, specialization and lots more. Sign Up Now.

  • Connection Requests: Once you find a business, simply send a connection request to their contact within the AD-X network. If they approve your request, your Ad will start to show on their webpage and theirs on your page as well. Enjoy limitless partnership connections with your Premium Plan. View Pricing for details.

  • Earn Rewards: Share the AD-X with friends, and if they upgrade to the Premium Plan, 20% of their monthly subscription goes to you. See Rewards Menu for details. Share the good news and repeat.

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Email Marketing without Funnels

Get Your Email List Overnight

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Glow with Banner Ads

Create free Banner Ads

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Legal Connection Services

What This Is: An online platform designed to bridge lawyers and clients

Clients Profile

  • Browse For Lawyers: With Solutions Hill Legal Connection Services, clients have the flexibility of searching for lawyers who specialize in providing legal services of choice. Tool comes with a powerful search engine which provides searches based on location, education, specialization and lots more. And we offer all this for FREE. Sign Up Now.

  • Log A Need: Select lawyers and create projects from your client profile with ease. Review lawyers bids, approve bid within a 5-day validity period and connect instantly to the winner of your bid. Watch training videos and meet every legal need at a competitive rate. Share the good news and repeat.

Lawyers Profile

  • Browse Matched Projects: With Solutions Hill Legal Connection Services, lawyers have the flexibility of viewing projects they have been invited to and responding to projects of choice. Tool comes with a powerful search engine which provides searches based on location, budget, lead time and lots more. Sign Up Now.

  • Bid For Project: Respond to project of your choice by submitting a bid. And guess what? Placeholder charge of $10 + 2.5% of your Bid Total will be reversed if you don't win the bid. We succeed when you succeed. Start buildig your network today.

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Professional Networking and Bidding Tool

Ultimate Bridge For Lawyers and Clients


HeroesMart Academy

What This Is: Flexible Online Education Platform With A Rewards Utility

HHA Portal

  • Structured Timetable: Customized arrangement of lectures to provide homeschooling parents with a structured school-at-home experience. Flexible UI design that guarantees ultimate user experience (UX).

  • Library Utility: Provides instant access to student's workbooks based on grade levels. Creates a portfolio style experience that grows with each student.

  • Progress Tracking: Affords homeschooling parents with the tool to record completed assignments and see upcoming activities

  • Examination Module: With Proctored / Non-proctored options to assess student's mastery of concepts

  • Performance Analytics: Provides tools to measure areas of strengths and areas of weaknesses across all subjects for all grade levels. Utility provides an experience that grows with each student.

  • Flexible Learning Experience: Start and finish each grade year based on your term. Customize study by mixing and matching subjects. Access affordable workbooks and view thousands of video lessons with unmatched UI/UX.


  • Products: Provides client with flexibility to process payments for Downloadables, Physical products, and donations, all on a single platform that reflects the theme of business

  • Rewards Utility: Custom design that offers client feature to reward customers for referrals

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Online Education With Rewards Utility

Education With Comfort and Within Reach


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